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Soft contact lenses








Soft contact lenses are made of polymers that absorb water in their structure, making them feel soft and flexible. They are usually comfortable immediately and are ideal for permanent use. They are unlikely to detach from the eye, which makes them suitable for sports or for use in dusty conditions. At Leibsohn Paoloni Optics we specialize in adapting all types of soft lenses.










Rigid, gas permeable contact lenses








Rigid, gas permeable (RGP or GP) contact lenses are easy to handle and extremely durable. If they are well taken care of, they can last a long time. They also offer health benefits over soft contact lenses: they do not become dehydrated, are less likely to harbor bacteria and allow more oxygen to pass to the eye when floating on the tear layer. Since they retain their shape, they use a sharper vision than soft contact lenses. They are recommendations for patients with high astigmatism and keratoconus. At Leibsohn Paoloni Optics we specialize in adapting all types of rigid and rgp lenses.








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